National Vinyl Record Day

Dedicated to the Boomers who know that the good stuff never gets old, and for Millennials who are finding out there were some pretty cool stuff  back-in-the-day for which there are clearly no substitutes– and it’s time to bring them back!
 National Vinyl Record Day is August 12th

The vinyl has made a comeback! You know, the large 12″ disc that looks like your parents version of a CD.  Why not get to know it?  Sony Music Entertainment is reintroducing vinyl records to their product line.  Soon others will follow. And you’ll want to be part of the experience and hear your favorite artists on classic vinyl.

A former musician, I love all kinds of music and I have had the pleasure of experiencing it on its many “devices,” including 8-track tapes, cassettes, CD’s, IPods, and all versions of vinyl–45s, 78s, 12-inch singles and the classic 33-RPM vinyl. I can tell you the sound on vinyl is incredible. If you truly consider yourself a music connoisseur, you’ll want to experience the rich tones vinyl has to offer.

It also does the body and mind good.  Not only will you get the urge to dance, there’s also a lot of research that supports the positive effects of music on our mood, emotion, and general wellness. Admittedly convenient, today’s electronics and computerized devices offer instant gratification.  But there’s something special about having that tactile–that is, physical connection with the music you’re playing. I remember sitting on the floor (when carpet was cool), spreading the albums all around me (in their jacket covers, of course), and reading some pretty interesting content about the artist, their back-up musicians, and the story behind the music, including how it all came together in the studio.  Then I’d pull out those big round discs and clean them with the utmost of care (just like CD’s you don’t want fingerprints to mess with the sound!).  I’d open a nice bottle of wine, slice some havarti, add some sliced veggies, and for the next 2-3 hours (and sometimes well past midnight), I was in 7th heaven.  Occasionally there was a spontaneous date night or an evening reminiscing with the friends, but most of the time it was just me having quality alone time with my music.

Consider adding vinyl records to your repertoire. You can find them at independent retailers, bookstores, and online.You will need a place to store them, of course, like maybe a few milk crates (works great) or shelving. Sounds like a lot of work? Not really–it’s part of the experience. Embrace it and you’ll wonder what took you so long!





Total Solar Eclipse and Eye Protection

The astronomical event of the year is almost here.

The total eclipse of the sun takes place on August 21, 2017.

Remember to p rotect your eyes and the eyes of your loved ones.  Make them aware that the sun can damage the eyes.

Make sure you have special glasses to view the eclipse.

Warning: If you intend on taking a picture with your cell phone,  use a solar filter appropriate for use with a camera (check with the manufacturer). Don’t, repeat– do not– attempt to take a picture by holding your cellphone up to the sun!

For info about the total eclipse, visit:



Have Zucchini? Wanna Giveaway?

Do you have a veggie garden? Growing zucchinis?  Then if your yield is like mine, you have zucchinis coming from everywhere.  Here’s a solution:

August 8 is National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day

So share with the neighbors and maybe give them a couple of recipes, too. Here are a few of my favorites –one for each category.

Except where I got carried away and basically have given you the entire recipe, just check out your favorite cooking site, like,, or, and find one with the added ingredients that appeal to you.

  • Appetizer:  Baked Zucchini with Parmesan cheese (Try making in an air fryer! Scrummy!)
  • Salad and Soups:  Add raw to salads; slice or cube and add a soup recipe.
  • Meat substitute:  Imitation crab cakes (Yes, that’s what I said, and totally vegan! My secret is a little “Old Bay” Avoid attempting to make the lump crab cake and they’ll turn out fine.)
  • Veggie:  Oh so many to choose from: Sauteed Sliced Zucchini with onions, a little olive oil and Parmesan cheese;  Cubed  with corn, cilantro, a little olive oil and lime; or cut into wedges and grill!
  • Dessert:  Zucchini Bread or Muffins!

Hmm….getting hungry.  What are your favorite zucchini recipes?

Updated Links – CNA State Requirements

In our book, “The “How-to” Guide on Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant, we provide links to CNA resources for each state and U.S. territories.  We thought it would be cool to have this information literally at your fingertips. Very ambitious of us, indeed, because frequently websites get updated and pages are moved or links are changed.

Since our ebook was published, we’ve noticed a dozen or so URLs have changed. We updated the first group in the e-book, but have decided that we will put future updates on our blog. If the url is very long, we’ll include a short-cut or bitlink.  If the URL doesn’t work, we encourage you to try the bitlink because we noticed that it will often get you there when the organizational link won’t.

It’s our goal to check and post changes at least twice a year; quarterly if we’re really ambitious and if there’s interest.

Here’s the group of updated links for this period.

District of Columbia







Nebraska 2d9ZfAC


West Virginia


National Mental Health Awareness Month


Mental health is often referred to as behavioral health.  Whichever you prefer, get involved.


What can you do:

  • Raise awareness and educate the public about various mental or behavioral health disorders.
  • Understand what it’s like to live with these conditions
  • Learn how to maintain good behavioral health and wellness.
  • Take action to reduce the stigma that surrounds mental illness.
  •  Know that suicide is a precursor to some forms of behavioral health problems, such as depression or drug abuse.  Be observant and reach out.

This year’s theme is Risky Business.  As a healthcare professional, learn to recognize habits and behaviors that increase the risk of developing or exacerbating a mental illness, or possible  signs of  a behavioral health problem. Examples of risk factors include

— prescription drug misuse

— internet addiction

— excessive gambling or spending

— risky sexual behaviors.

Mental health organizations across the country are sponsoring events to raise awareness.  Check with your local mental or behavioral health organization for information and how you can help.


Celebrate Earth Day


Earth Day is a worldwide event held every year on April 22 in support for environmental protection.

It began in 1970 and is now celebrated in  more than 193 countries.

The environment and  your health are inextricably linked. And like your health, take good care of it, and it will take care of you.

You can show your support for Earth Day and help take care of our environment in any number of ways. For example:

  1. Visit your local farmer’s market. Buy lots of colorful fruits and veggies to make your meals healthier.
  2. Swap out one of your household cleaners for an eco-friendly version. You’ll find many are just as effective and less harmful to yourself and the environment.
  3. Participate in a community garden. If you live in the city and are itching to play in the dirt, look for a community garden and help plant fresh veggies and flowers.  Gardens are sustainable as well as beautiful, and facilitate bee pollination. Working the garden is also a good way to get some outdoor exercise, and you’ll make lots of new friends who share your interest.
  4. Walk more, drive less, and consider public transportation.  Walking is a great exercise and less cars on the road means lower green house gas emissions.

These activities are so easy and simple to adopt, so why not make a commitment to celebrate Earth Day every day!  If everyone adopted  just one of these activities, it truly would make an impact on our world!

World Backup Day

Do you know that nearly a third of all users of computer devices have never backed up their data? If you have ever lost a device– such as a smartphone, laptop or tablet–or your device gets damaged, you know how that can wreak havoc in your life. Your valuable contact list, photos, and messages—gone. Unless you had backed up your files.

Today is World Backup Day Be sure you always have a backup, or a second copy, of all your files such as documents, pictures, videos, and emails! #WorldBackupDay

Five Things You Didn’t Know that Can Rob You of a Good Night’s Sleep

© Can Stock Photo / Massonforstock

Here you are again, tired after another restless night. You gave up spicy foods, impulsive trips to Starbucks and Happy Hour; reduced your stress and exercised more. You should be sleeping like a baby. Instead, you still feel sleep deprived.  Sleep quality is affected by a number of factors. Some are pretty straightforward, but a few may come as a surprise.  Here are five of them.

  1. Sleeping with your pets. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorders Center found that 53% of people who sleep with their pets reported experiencing some form of sleep disturbance. Pets and humans have different wake and sleep cycles. Your dog’s penchant for hogging the bed and your cat’s determination to play with you at 2 a.m. may be more than enough to reduce the quality of your sleep.
  2. Electronic displays. Have you ever gotten out of your bed in the middle of the night to snuff out that little blue light on the electronic display? Why does it seem to light up the entire room at 2 o’clock in the morning?  Light sends a message to your brain that it is time to wake up. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that is controlled by light exposure and it helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. At night, your body churns out melatonin to make you sleepy; during the day, it slows production to keep you awake and alert. So, can that tiny little glow that’s great for helping you find your way to the bathroom be the culprit to ruining a great night’s sleep? Researchers at The Ohio State University seem to think so. They found even a small amount of light from a cell phone or computer is enough to disrupt the production of melatonin and your sleep.
  1. Using electronic devices. Ninety-five percent of people surveyed by the National Sleep Foundation reported using an electronic device such as a computer, video game, cell phone or TV within an hour before bed at least a few nights a week. Extended exposure to the light from these devices can disrupt the release of melatonin, which promotes sleep. It also stimulates your mind and keeps you awake.
  2. Smoking. Researchers at John Hopkins University School of Medicine found that smokers are four times more likely than nonsmokers to feel less rested after a night’s sleep. They attribute the nicotine in cigarettes, which acts as a stimulant, to smokers’ difficulties in falling sleep. They also think that smokers tend to experience nicotine withdrawal during the night, which further contributes to less restful sleep.
  3. Living your life in your bed. Activities such as eating meals and working in bed may make it harder for you to relax when you are finally ready to go to sleep. Only two things should come to mind when you go to bed at night: sleep and sex. Avoid living in your bed as if you’re going through your daily routine. Eventually your bedroom will become a strong visual cue for the two activities for which it was intended, one of which is a good night’s sleep.